Re: [CR] WTB, WTT: single Christophe Special Long toe clip

(Example: Racing:Wayne Stetina)

Date: Sat, 03 Apr 2010 09:40:34 -0400
From: "Harvey Sachs" <>
To: kevin sayles <>
References: <> <A119B25519E146DB8224C6E6822B9B59@UserPC>
Cc:, Classic Rendezvous <>
Subject: Re: [CR] WTB, WTT: single Christophe Special Long toe clip

Here's my understanding of Christophe toe clips: short: small Christophe, perpendicular to length of toe clip medium: larger Christophe, parallel to length long: Christophe Special, parallel to length.

earlier: underline, single line font. later: no underline, outline (double line) font.

I don't know the date of the transition, but I have some almost completely de-plated "old" ones that I've suspected might be 50s or before. I don't know...


harvey sachs mcLean va.

kevin sayles wrote:
> Harvey,
> I have two pair of Christophe special [long] pair has
> 'Christophe special' with the lower part of the 'C' forming a underline,
> these have been used and are in good condition, though show signs of
> chrome loss on the section where the toe strap passes through the hoop
> [probably from scraping along the ground when bike being wheeled]
> The second pair seem to be unused and have Christophe special, but no
> underlining, and the style of writing for Christophe is 'double' there
> must be a name for this....but it escapes me......I guess these are the
> later type?
> Let me know off-line if any help........BTW just what is the difference
> between the Christophe 'special' and non-special clips...apart from the
> stamping and seemingly a higher price?
> cheers
> Kevin Sayles
> Bridgwater Somerset UK
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Harvey Sachs" <>
> To: "Classic Rendezvous" <>
> Sent: Saturday, April 03, 2010 12:52 PM
> Subject: [CR] WTB, WTT: single Christophe Special Long toe clip
>> Need one orphan old-logo Christophe toe clip in good rider condition
>> for my PX-10 rebuild. The right (or left, they're the same) clip will
>> say "Christophe special" on the top of the clip, underlined, in single
>> width type (not outline, like the later ones). Or a pair, if you have
>> a pair to sell.
>> NOS not wanted for this bruised and battered veteran of the NYC and
>> Boston war zones. :-)
>> thanks,
>> harvey sachs
>> mcLean va