John responded:
"My 1981 Nishiki Ultimate originally came with Campag clincher rims, but when I bought it (new) I had the shop replace them with Nisi tubular rims. So they existed and would certainly be OT."
In response to David's question:
"Are any Campagnolo clincher rims OT ?"
Please allow me to state that were absolutely no Campagnolo rims whatsoever in 1981, whether clincher or tubular.
All Campagnolo rims are definitely off-topic, as all were produced after 1983. The first Campagnolo price list to feature rims was the one from 1986. The first Campagnolo catalogs and brochures featuring rims also date from 1986. It would however appear that the first rims were delivered in either late 1984 or in 1985 but that they were not widely available until 1986. Had rims been available in 1981 as reported by John, there is no doubt whatsoever that they would have been included in earlier price lists as well as part of the 50th anniversary gruppo. The freewheel, saddle and rims all post-date the 50th anniversary gruppo.
Steven Maasland
Moorestown, NJ