Re: [CR] USA only Ebay sales

(Example: Framebuilders:Bernard Carré)

Content-class: urn:content-classes:message
Date: Tue, 4 May 2010 18:17:02 -0500
Thread-Topic: Re: [CR] USA only Ebay sales
Thread-Index: Acrr3+mIGK/DzjAdS8S4x+T5jmV4FQ==
From: "John Hurley" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [CR] USA only Ebay sales

I'll add my penny's worth.

The vast majority of the on-topic bike goodies we know and love originated outside the USA. Cycling, as we know it, is a European sport. This being the case, I've been surprised how little I sell outside the USA. I expected a much bigger international market, but 80 percent of my sales have been domestic, and only 20 percent international. My domestic market is four times bigger than from the rest of the world combined.

Before I checked, I would have said my international sales were even smaller. Maybe some sellers just feel the real market is in the USA, so why bother selling foreign? I don't look at it that way myself; I'm glad to have the extra 20 percent.

Why isn't the foreign market larger? I suppose either they don't need to buy from us because they can get the good stuff locally, or Americans just spend more freely or have deeper pockets. Probably what is happening now is a bike boom echo as Americans collect in later years what they valued in their youth.

Risk: At first I couldn't understand eBay shoving all the risk off on the seller, but it finally dawned on me (duh) that the party who stands to make a profit is the logical one to accept a greater share of the risk.

As for the income tax, this sounds like bad news for eBay. One more reason not to use eBay, and seek alternate outlets. One more step toward converting eBay into another Amazon.

John Hurley
Austin, Texas, USA