I wonder if there´s any interest in two frames.
One´s a Gazelle randonneur frame, ca. 1980, 531, silver colored, very good condition, 54 cm c/t, and the Chesini´s the same size, racing geometry and clearances, candy apple red (I think), red anyway, a lot of chrome, very nice condition, ca. 1978, and it comes with a "Chesini" engraved extension, while the Gazelle frame is completely devoid of any parts. I would like 150 Euros each plus shipping, so I guess there would be a maximum of about 250 Dollars shipped each.
Both frames used to be Johannes´ spares, and he´s outgrown them without using either (luckily).
If there´s any interest I can take pictures and post them on wooljersey.
I still use analog dial up internet, so please no pics or scans by mail. Thanks.
Regards, Toni Theilmeier, Belm, Germany.