[CR] shipping overseas

(Example: Framebuilding:Tubing:Columbus)

From: "Charles Andrews" <chasds@mindspring.com>
To: <accobra@peoplepc.com>
Date: Wed, 19 May 2010 08:40:03 -0700
Cc: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR] shipping overseas

Mark W. wrote, in part:

I looked into shipping just a frameset outside the USA a couple months ago. Because of the overall size of the box, the surcharges caused the shipping price to be an astounding $600-700 via FedEx or USPS. I checked it on-line

As long as you keep the size of the box under USPS limits, you can ship anywhere in the world, for not all that much money, considering. The size limit is ridiculously low, and has become lower over the years, but it is still poaaible to ship a bike in two boxes, if you're careful about the final box-size. I've done it. It's tricky, but not impossible. You generally have to remove the fork on frames, and then pack wheels and everything else in a second box.

I've often wondered why USPS is so unreasonable about box-size--not to mention the general crazy prices to ship a large box commercially overseas, compared to what our friends in Europe and Asia pay to ship similar items to us, and the only explanation I can come up with is that postal services in many other countries are more heavily subsidized than ours is..so it goes.

Charles Andrews Los Angeles

"Somebody has to be tireless... or the fast buck operators would asphalt the entire coast, fill every bay and slay every living thing incapable of carrying a wallet."

--John D. MacDonald