Did a quick google search and found some hi-res photos of the alleged
3rensho/Specialized frame:
And while I'm at it I might as well introduce myself.
Born and raised in San Jose. Used to ride BMX as a kid then that just faded away until I started riding a track bike, and recently bought a early 90's Serotta CSI awaiting parts to be built up. BTW Mark Colton, we met before while trade the SOMA frames. Nice to see run into you on here!
- Alex Lai San Jose, CA. USA
On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 10:10 PM, donald gillies <gillies@ece.ubc.ca> wrote:
> http://louisville.craigslist.org/
> I'm pretty certain this is a 3rensho specialized frame, based on the
> dropout treatment. I asked the seller to put up photos of the lugs
> so that we can know for sure. $250 is cheap for a 3rensho frame with
> nice paint !!!
> - Don Gillies
> San Diego, CA, USA