John- Welcome to the list. I've always been amazed at your ability to organize and help publish data, especially the SA stuff. Just today I spoke with a customer about his Raleigh Twenty. His is a coaster brake one. Mine is/was (out on many year loan) an AW converted to FW with 2 cog derailleur. And thanks for the family documenting efforts. We sat around the lap top last Sunday and were taken back many years. Priceless!
> Hello, I'm new to the list.
> I am now the bicycle technical person maintaining and updating Sheldon
> Brown's Web site,, along with his widow, Harriet
> Fell, who very fortunately is a computer science professor and is handling
> most of the Web site issues.
> I'm pleased to let you know that we have gone al through the Glossary on
> the site, and a number of other files. Most recently, I have completed an
> update of all the material on Sturmey-Archer internal-gear hubs. We have
> full coverage of them back to about 1950, with links to technical
> information on our own site and several others. We have historical
> information on many 1930s hubs, too. Start page is
> site and the Sturmey-Archer Heritage site for information on earlier
> hubs. Please do consult our site, and also, let us know of any issues you
> have with it. There is a link on the pages for feedback and questions.
> We have put Google ads on the pages. They compromise page appearance, but
> on the other hand, they pay us enough so we can afford to spend time on
> updating.
> For the bio the Webmaster asked for, see
> I own and regularly ride a Raleigh Twenty, 1971 Peugeot UO-8, 1976 Bob
> Jackson Super Tourist (all custom-equipped by myself) and early 1950s
> Raleigh Clubman (frame found in the trash and rebuilt as a fixie), also an
> old mountain bike which I never ride and a couple of newer bicycles which
> I do ride sometimes..
> Thanks!
> John S. Allen
> Waltham, Massachusetts, USA
> _______________________________________________
Andrew R Stewart
Rochester, NY