Say that three times fast.
At any rate. I came across this Campagnolo clamp some time ago. It was sold to me as Handlebar Clamp, which I dismissed thinking it was a seat tube/seatpost clamp. Dug it out the other day and put it in my "fund a new bike pile". Took a good look, plus some measurements and it's 25.4mm inner diameter, 1", which puts it around the stem area. So now I'm confused as to what it really is.
The clamp body is steel, stamped with the world logo. There is not type of plating on it, just bare steel. The QR mechanism looks to be crudely nickel plated. Both the lever and the nut have campagnolo stamps. The lever has raised bumps around the campy wordmark, but no "open c". Pics can be found here:
There is also a small "C" stamped into the main body.
My thought is it might be a headset clamp custom made for someone or possibly something from a town bike or folder.
Any thoughts?
Sean Flores
San Francisco, CA