Re: [CR] Peugeot PX10 Info and Sour Grapes!

(Example: Racing:Beryl Burton)

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Date: Sun, 6 Jun 2010 18:16:40 -0400
From: "Ken Freeman" <>
To: verktyg <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Peugeot PX10 Info and Sour Grapes!

Mine has a derailleur hangar on the right dropout, and a similar guide or handle on the other dropout. My badge is not rectangular, has a shield, and it's riveted. The downtube "Peugeot" is in gold block letters without a black base for the words. I think that black base started in 1970.

When did the downtube "Peugeot" change from script to block letters?

I bought mine from a List member.

On Sun, Jun 6, 2010 at 5:10 PM, verktyg <> wrote:
> My 21" 1967 PX-10 matches the description Peter Rogers listed.
> I got it at a local charity at the end of 2007. The person who donated it
> said that it had been sitting in a shed for at least 15 years. It was
> completely covered with a layer of dust - a true barn bike!
> The Brooks Pro saddle was a wonderful russet red color. Unfortunately it
> turned darker as soon as I touched it. It's stamped with a 1967 date code.
> The bike came with 2 sets of wheels, the original sewups with Normandy Luxe
> Competition hubs and old diamond decal Mavic rims plus a later set of 27"
> clinchers with a date of 1989 on the standard Normandy hubs.
> Everything appeared original except it had a later model Simplex Criterium
> rear derailleur dated 1973. The original would have been a Simplex
> Prestige-Criterium with a black plastic name badge.
> Here's a link to pictures on Flickr:
> <
> I changed out the original AVA cast aluminum "death stem" to a shorter.
> later model AVA cast aluminum "death stem" and switched to wider period
> correct alloy bars.
> Aside from that, new cables, tape, 27" clinchers plus a thorough cleaning,
> I haven't done much else to it yet except occasional rides.
> The serial number is 483675 which doesn't say much according to the
> information on the CR PX-10 web page.
> <
> >
> One thing that I look for on 1960s PX-10s is the Peugeot decal on the down
> tube. Around 1969? they changed from the simple gold with a black shadow to
> a more elaborate design.
> Chas. Colerich
> Oakland, CA USA
> Well, the summer is apparently starting to cook here in Northern
>> Cal...what with Singers for a Song and all that. I'll have to be satisfied
>> with my humdrum recent 60's PX-10 acquisition. Knowing how tricky dating
>> these lovelies is, I'll report that close inspection of Prestige derailleur
>> revealed a stamping (3-68) on jockey cage. This closely coincides with
>> probable build date of this PX-10 w/Model 93.
>> Also, I noticed that pics of 60's PX-10s (if B&W), have black-painted
>> seat-lug and BB shell while 70's are left white...just head-lugs black. I
>> wonder if this change can be traced to a specific year and ditto change away
>> from Nervex Pro during 70's PX-10?
>> Jack Romans
>> Sacramento, California
> _______________________________________________

Ken Freeman
Ann Arbor, MI USA