Here are a few ebay photos of RFG components:
Kurt Sperry Bellingham, Washington USA
On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 7:48 AM, John Hurley <> wrote:
> This has been tried before with little success, but has anyone learned
> anything more about RFG?
> CR List member Amir Avitzur has said the letters stand for "Roulement
> Francais Garanti", i.e. Guaranteed French Bearing, and that they made
> cranksets, bottom brackets, and hubs.
> The Speedplay website shows examples of pedals by this firm, dated from
> the 30's and 40's, and states that RFG of Saint Etienne (France) was a
> high quality maker that in addition to pedals also made bottom brackets,
> headsets, and hubs.
> This firm is not to be confused with RGF, "Raccord Gargette Freres", the
> French lug maker whose RGF in oval is often seen stamped in bottom
> bracket shells.
> John Hurley
> Austin, Texas, USA