[CR] How's this for a wife

(Example: Component Manufacturers)

From: "Jon Spangler" <jonswriter@att.net>
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2010 14:47:24 -0700
To: Dale Brown <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Cc: Linda L Hudson <LhudsonLHW@att.net>
Subject: [CR] How's this for a wife


Reading this thread and these instances of supportive spousal behaviors is really nice, but Eric is right: it should not be a matter of one-upping each other with tales of our considerate or generous spouses and partners.

A friendly competition is somewhat understandable when comparing Jack Taylors or Colnagos for authenticity or looks, but even there the bragging can get unseemly. And comparing spousal behaviors like we compare components is not the point. (Nor do I think that anyone here is really trying to do this at heart. It just reads that way sometimes and we should all be careful with this topic...)

With all my own human foibles I am amazed and grateful that Linda is still with me after 21 years, not to mention that we share cycling and other significant passions like our politics and our faith (both of which are off-topic, of course).

She needs the same long top tube on her bikes as I do on mine. Talk about compatibility! :-)

She has a better road bike than I do. (It's an off-topic Serotta Ti Legend, but it has an on-topic Brooks Pro S saddle.) And her blue Peugeot mixte is just about as good as my white one. That's the least I can do to try and keep her happy on the bike front.

I am truly and deeply grateful to have Linda in my life, and I am sure every other contributor to this thread feels similarly about her/his partner. That is a great feeling and important to recognize.

Let's make sure that we stop building, polishing and writing about bikes and parts long enough to tell them how we feel, and to tangibly express our appreciation to them.

Jon Spangler feeling very lucky and blessed in Alameda, CA USA

Message: 12 Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2010 13:56:41 -0400 From: <tr4play@cox.net> Subject: Re: [CR] How's this for a wife To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org Message-ID: <20100618135641.LLRCC.787369.imail@eastrmwml30> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

My wife, Melinda, rides with me all the time becuase she loves me and loves to ride.

My wife, when I broached placing a deposit for a custom JP Weigle, said "sure, so long as I can get one too."

That's on top of all she does as a great parent and partner (sorry if that was to mushy).

My wife, well regardless of all the other great wives out there, she is simply the best.

I don't think the idea is really to top one another, more to share how fortunate many of us on the list are.

Eric Elman Somers, CT USA

Jon Spangler
Linda Hudson Writing
TEL 510-864-2144
CEL 510-846-5356