I was going to answer the question; but you know much more than I do on this matter. I do recognize the side of the shop where we ate lunch. As you know, there were no picnic tables then, nor landscape, If one goes there today, it's a YMCA day care or something, it's all landscaped and grassy, and there are picnic tables!
There are also 2 or 3 Masi head badge decals clandestinely placed at the bottom of one of the front windows; placed there during several of our Masi appreciation rides we used to do where we rode to the old shop to place the decal.
Brian Baylis
La Mesa, CA
That was taken at the back door of the Masi factory. For the record, that's where we used to eat lunch, sitting against the wall. (I had seen something about someone seeing picnic tables at the building more recently and imagining us sitting there eating lunch.)
I can't remember the couple's names but they were very sophisticated and high class folks. Mario really liked them and made a bike for each of them. Hers had rubber block pedals as I recall. Yes, on Campy cranks!
The pair of bikes is owned by Peter Gilbert of Cane Creek. They are beautifully made bikes. They are both painted in Mario's trademark white with yellow headtube and a seat tube panel.
I have heard of a Masi with vertical dropouts. My bike, which was designed by Mario for me, has verticals. I had always thought they would be a great way to go and when I asked why use the long slotted 1010s instead of verticals I was told that verticals required very precise alignment. I always thought: Well, we ARE using very precise alignment!
Chuck Hoefer
Pacific Coast Cycles
Oceanside, Ca
> Take a look at these pics of Mario Confente and a (Cali) Masi Speciale:
> Two questions:
> How many have seen a Masi with vertical dropouts (as this one seems to
> have, by Campy?)?
> Who is the woman?
> Emanuel Lowi
> Montreal, Quebec
> _______________________________________________
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