Re: [CR] Mystery dumpster find custom made?

(Example: Framebuilding:Norris Lockley)

From: "Robert D. Dayton,Jr." <>
To: "'kevin sayles'" <>, "'robert st.cyr'" <>, <>
Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2011 07:19:19 -0500
In-Reply-To: <40E75DD1BDB24EAA9DEEBA767502E3B8@UserPC>
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Subject: Re: [CR] Mystery dumpster find custom made?

Well if it is a Bob Jackson it is a nice dumpster treasure. And Kevin has an eagle eye and sure seems to know what he's looking at. Convinced me. Repaint and hang on some gear. Take it back out to the rolling road where it belongs. You and the bike will both be happy. Truly cosmic karma re-cycling.

Rob Dayton Charlotte,NC USA

-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of kevin sayles Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2011 4:08 AM To: robert st.cyr; Subject: Re: [CR] Mystery dumpster find custom made?

Hi Robert,

I'm 99.9% certain its a Bob Jackson 'Olymiad'

Note the extended tangs on the bracket, a feature on Olympus......but they usually had semi wrapover stay tops, and a semi slope 14bis crown with fork tangs [liners] welded on the crown.

The 'Olympiad' model which had the full slope crown and fastback on the side

seat this frame has. The hand cut heart shaped gear lever catch is another give away........

However, I think this frame dates from after my time working as a framebuilder at BJ's [71 ~ 76] going by the drilled tangs.......but then again.......maybe we were using the pre-drilled fork liners as tangs for the

bracket shells?.......its a long time ago!

Hope this is of help.........

Kevin Sayles
West Yorkshire UK

----- Original Message -----
From: "robert st.cyr"
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2011 11:57 PM
Subject: [CR] Mystery dumpster find custom made?

> One of my employees was given this bike frame from a friend who found it
> in a dumpster. Paint quite rough, but interesting lugs, extensions on bb
> shell, nicely filed crown.
> The vitals:
> 63 cm c-c st
> 57 cm c-c tt
> 126 spacing
> campy drops
> serial # 8755 (8 is roughly stamped and might be a 9)
> Appears to be custom. Chime in with your ideas of who made this...
> Robert St.Cyr
> Sacramento, California USA
> Mystery dumpster find custom made
> 6009CC075D830EB!160&type=5&Bpub=SDX.Photos&Bsrc=Photomail&authkey=BhM8h2BLFn I%24