Re: [CR] A bit of generosity.... Lejeune 753

(Example: Framebuilders:Brian Baylis)

Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2011 13:45:07 -0800 (PST)
From: "scott davis" <>
Subject: Re: [CR] A bit of generosity.... Lejeune 753

I have the same model.  I'll try to post some fotos to my blog, next week.   Scott Davis, Minneapolis, Minnesota USA

Date: Sun, 09 Jan 2011 13:29:01 -0600 From: LTravers <> Subject: [CR] A bit of generosity....

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I have been blown away by the generosity of some  of our members in the past.  This is another one  of those times.

Christian Godart sent me a query about something  to do with Lejeunes and I responded.  We exchanged  emails and some photos.  Then he asked for my  address.  Saturday I received from Christian a  Lejeune catalog ca 1981, a black and white photo  of Emile Bodart riding for Pelforth Lejeune in the  Bordeaux-Paris in the late 60s, and a poster of  the 1977 BP-Lejeune team.

What has me most excited is the first photo I have  seen of a 753 Lejeune Champ du Monde.  I knew they  existed, but have never seen a photo prior to  this.  Does anyone have a photo in their archives  they are willing to share?  I will scan the  catalog in the next few days, but the 753 bike is  already posted at link below

To Christian, thank you so very much.  You made my  day.

Lynn Travers
Hazelwood, MO  USA