{Classic Rendezvous} Another test post

(Example: Humor)

Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 18:14:53 -0800 (PST)
Subject: {Classic Rendezvous} Another test post
From: Chris Collins <chris_collins@linuxmail.org>
To: Classic Rendezvous lightweight vintage bicycles <classic-rendezvous-lightweight-vintage-bicycles@googlegroups.com>
Mailing-list: list classic-rendezvous-lightweight-vintage-bicycles@googlegroups.com; contact classic-rendezvous-lightweight-vintage-bicycles+owners@googlegroups.com

I was getting the CR archive at an email addy which I'd prefer not to use. I followed the instructions at the bottom of the email to send a separate email to the "unsubscribe" address they gave. I sent the email and quickly I received a response that I was unsubscribed.

I sent another request to join from an addy which I did want to use. And as you can see by this email, I was successful in getting on the the list in the way that I wanted. So, clunky, but it worked.

Chris Collins Oakland, CA

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