Re: [CR] L.A. Olympic Road Race via Alexi Grewal

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Campagnolo)

Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2011 20:57:03 -0700
From: <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: [CR] L.A. Olympic Road Race via Alexi Grewal

Thanks for that link Julian! I'd never gotten the inside scoop from Grewal's perspective and recollection, and it explains the back story of why Keifel and Phinney weren't there at the end. A great look at the fine line some competitors face, cross or straddle. Terrific to get AG's account.

Greg Overton Denver, CO

Quoting Julian Shapiro <>:
> Here's Grewal's version of the whole race:
> even taken with any number of grains of salt, it's still a fascinating
> inside picture of a big time road race.
> Julian Shapiro
> Sag Harbor, NY