Hi all, Before proceeding I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy, Healthy and Bike Prosperous New Year. And thank you Dale for this avenue of outlet.
That is how I ended my last email (minus the thanking of Dale), off list to another CR member, and thanks to him for a nice set of Cinelli Bar End Plugs. Anyway I got to thinking, how could we collectively create a "wanted items" posting that doesn't get lost in the other great posts? I now go by digests and if I see something by Norris I'm reading it, some others, not so much. I digress, but we all have the affliction/addiction and there is a fear of cluttering this board (so many thanks Dale for this) with wanted ads. Is there anyway to move it so it stays within our conciousness? I'll gladly pick up a piece if I know someone needs it, help any other addict the best that I can. Worst case scenario I can eBay it off it they don't want it. The thing is, this is how I make money, but it isn't just about the money, that's gone befoe it is earned. I'll gladly handle a wanted list or if a better idea comes along I'll happily pass the torch, but surely there is a better way to get a fix of what we want?
Maybe my wine enduced thoughts but I think I might be onto something.
Nick Bennett Wine enduced in Cambridge, MA USA and still in need of Marsh Bends Handlebars and Pre War Bluemel's black mudguards/fenders.