Re: [CR] To buy ..or not to buy...That is the question

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Chater-Lea)

From: "Steve Birmingham" <>
To: <>
Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2011 13:38:28 -0500
Thread-Index: AcuwLGdtzNNmPajkRFmmmaYE/NqI5w==
Subject: Re: [CR] To buy ..or not to buy...That is the question

I agree with what John has written. Especially about enjoying the new bike or bikes. I've narrowed my focus, and no longer pick up every bike I find. And I'm reducing the stack of cheap 80's 10 speeds. Not being indiscriminate about buying has allowed me to actually afford some of the ones I really want. My wife is also a big help in figuring out how any of them fit the collection and why I want them. I'm only sort of a collector, I've ridden all but two of the bikes I have that are built up. One's a bit too fragile, the other I haven't found a tire for the front.

So have a pint or three, give Hendrix "if six was nine" a listen or two, and get those bikes.

Steve Birmingham Lowell, Massachusetts USA

Message: 12 Date: Sun, 09 Jan 2011 17:48:23 +0100 From: John <> Subject: Re: [CR] To buy ..or not to buy...That is the question To: Norris Lockley <>

Norris, After enjoying your posts more then any one else's, I will tell you


if it makes you happy, buy it.

So, o.k., some will object to "happy". Then substitute "satisfied".

Whatever. The question is "will you enjoy it?" You, above all, seem to enjoy the chase. And I for one, enjoy reading about that! Perhaps it is time to "thin the herd" a bit, but while still augmenting the collection. I think that the worst thing is to have regrets. I ask myself, "Self", I sayz when posed with a similar dilemma, "will I regret, when I'm 90 (!), never having owned this or that". And more importantly, never having DONE this or that. If so, then buy it/ do it. I would much rather form my own opinion

on something, then only read someone else's in a magazine. That means parting with some bread, but when bought well (correctly) can always be sold as a commodity, and usually for a profit. And I would also say, don't feel guilty over it. Yes, part of this as others have mentioned, is making sure you do the right thing by the stuff: good heir/ fiduciary to make sure all goes easily for the family after.....hummmm..... your last ride; so to speak. My wife would ask me, when I would describe the latest possible acquisition, "do you like it? Then buy it." That's one reason why she is "Mrs."! My personal "where I draw the line" is: do I enjoy the way she rides? I sold many important bikes in the last few years, starting while still in Brooklyn, then San Diego, and now Italia. I had 3 kinds of bikes: a) historically important b) really beautiful, and c) the ones that I like the way they ride; for whatever reason. I decided I wasn't running a museum (I'm not a "collector"; I ride um all), so if a bike had either, or both of the first two, but not the 3rd, then out she went. I took allot of pictures and knew all about her personality, so no regrets. That's my take. Above all, enjoy. There is just not enough time.

be well,

Johnny Pergolizzi Torino, Italy only been at this 35 years and still get a jolt out of it