It is probably a waste of time to ask this, because my inability to clean parts properly is probably genetic, however, I was noticing on other people's listing they had nice clean parts.
I do have a distinct memory of regular comments on how dirty my bike was when I raced. Perhaps this is a trait of mine which I am not able to get around.
How do people get their parts so clean? Do they throw them in solvent baths like we used to before we understood the health risks (not to mention damage to any plastic parts). My dirty tooth brush sprayed with wd40 and dirty cleaning cloths don't seem to do the same. Is there a magic cleaning fairy, or do people spend hundreds of hours on this task?
Please enlighten me, I am a little dim. I am the one who didn't understand
until I was over 30 that the reason other women's make up stayed on all day and
mine didn't is because they reapplied through out the day, and I couldn't be
Barbara Barrett
Reperages is a non-profit organization. 80 % of the 3,500 bicycles collected
each year are sent to Burkina Faso or Mali and provides 40 work places for
disabled people in Africa as well as much needed transportation. Reperages also
provides 13 work positions for disabled and disadvantaged people in France. Each
purchase you make supports a special project, and may be tax deductable.