Re: [CR] WTB Mixte of decent steel OT?

(Example: Framebuilders:Pino Morroni)

Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2011 10:18:12 -0700
From: <>
To: Benjamin Power <>
References: <> <>
Subject: Re: [CR] WTB Mixte of decent steel OT?

Uncle Crusty in Santa Rosa has a silver/grey Peugeot Mixte all set to go. Used, in okay condition, with basic replacement wheels.


Robert Shackelford San Jose, CA USA

Quoting Benjamin Power <>:
> Dear All,
> I'm enquiring for a friend who is looking for a nice campus bike for his
> daughter to take to Berkeley in a couple of weeks - she's been bitten by the
> vintage lugged mixte bug, but all that is for sale around here is what
> appears to be a UE18 in 103 tubing, which is, in fact, probably a little
> small:
> I'd really like your advice whether that seems like a decent machine if
> anyone knows about those, but even more, if anyone has something mixtewise a
> little better - preferably in 531 or some such, I'd very much like to hear
> about it. She's a fairly long legged girl - inseam of 33" or so, so probably
> looking for a 54-56 in a frame - full bike even better I think.
> Many thanks (and for all the splendid advice and information on this list),
> and happy new year.
> regards, (and hopes he's got the format right for his first CR post)
> Ben Power
> San Diego, CA