Re: [CR] New to list

(Example: Framebuilders:Tubing:Columbus)

Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2011 10:48:55 -0800 (PST)
From: "Peter Naiman" <>
To:, "jswatzell" <>
In-Reply-To: <>
Subject: Re: [CR] New to list


Welcome to the list. Like you I didn't become interested in collecting cycles until later in life, but my first bike project was when I was about 13 year old. By chance it was an old Phillips with Sturmey Archer 3spd. It was an old Navy Base bike purchased from a local shop in pretty rough shape. I took it down to the last nut and  bolt rebuilding it totally including what I thought was a great spray bomb job. I never used so much Navel Jelly on chrome in my life, but when done there wasn't a bit of rust to be found. That Phillips was my pride and joy for a number of years in the very early 1960 when the bike boom first started and we were just starting to see a lot of Lightweight imported.

Best regards, Peter ~~~~~  

Peter W. Naiman Owner: Cream City Online. Registered Ebay Sales Broker/ Trading Assistant Glendale, WI USA 53217-5034 Phone: 414-429-4362

--- On Sun, 1/16/11, jswatzell wrote:

From: jswatzell <> Subject: [CR] New to list To: Date: Sunday, January 16, 2011, 11:42 AM

Hi All I just joined the list and wanted to do a short intro as suggested. I'm retired and happily living in East Tennessee. I started getting interested in old balloon tire bikes a year or so ago but only recently got interested in the classic lightweights as described on this list. I am currently working on a 1955 Phillips 3 speed. It really has me intrigued. It has a sturmey archer rear hub with a dynamo built in for the headlight. I only have the shell for the light so I will probably just leave it off for now. Two other things I liked were the word "Phillips" as part of the chain ring and the pedals have Phillips on a metal strip on the outside of a thin rubber strip. I've not seen this type pedal on any other bike. As with most of my projects I guess I have spent much more on it than it will ever be worth but then again, I'm not in this hobby to sell and make money. I was excited to see you have a meet in Greensboro in May. I hope to make it unless it interferes with my 2 grandkids who are graduating from HS this year. Anyhow, it's good to see something happening in the Southeast instead of just up North or out West where it seems most shows and meets are.

John Swatzell
Madisonville, TN, USA