Re: [CR] Cantilevers

(Example: Events)

From: "Andrew R Stewart" <>
To: "Michael Thompson" <>, "CR Main Address" <>
References: <>
In-Reply-To: <>
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2011 23:25:29 -0500
Subject: Re: [CR] Cantilevers

Mike- there's too many variables to say which choice will make the right sense but here's some thoughts. A side pull caliper will have the most bag clearance but also the least braking force usually. The way the cable is routed and the frame size can come into play if there are top tube cable stops brazed on. A center pull caliper is next in the bag clearance. More clamping force usually but some times more cable stretch feel. Cable stop/cross cable arrangement is a factor as there is less options then a canti. A low profile canti would be the next choice. Here the cable pull VS the caliper actuation can be an issue, road levers are cable pull poor. There are different cantis with different cable pull needs out there so some experiment is needed.

Is your frame large? As the seat stays reach for a taller frame the brake location mover rearward. Perhaps a different rack would offer more bag location options. Are you using front bags/low riders? If not they can reduce the size needs of the rear bags. Andy.

----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Thompson
To: CR Main Address
Sent: Sunday, February 20, 2011 4:26 PM
Subject: [CR] Cantilevers

> Looking at my brakes and bag clearence on my touring bike. My calipers are
> interfering with my bags, unless I mount the bags too far back. So, I need
> to change calipers. I don't want to use a v-brake. Which brake works best
> getting out of the way of my bags? thanks,
> Mike Thompson
> Monroe, Louisiana
> _______________________________________________

Andrew R Stewart
Rochester, NY