Google Groups: You've been invited to Classic Rendezvous lightweight vintage bicycles

(Example: Framebuilders:Alex Singer)

From: <>
Subject: Google Groups: You've been invited to Classic Rendezvous lightweight vintage bicycles
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2011 15:50:51 +0000

Dale B has invited you to join the Classic Rendezvous lightweight vintage bicycles group with this message:

Hello Classic Rendezvousers! We are moving our forum to Google groups! Although it will involve some adapting (tough for us retro-grouches!), this will offer advantages; the ability to attach files including pictures, two styles of digest delivery, and things I haven't discovered but will investigate. I will moderate the mail (read first) and then relax into "normal." Please bear with us and be patient as we all learn this new system. Thanks Dale Brown Greensboro, North Carolina Web master & list meister

Here is the group's description:

Designed to complement the Classic Rendezvous web site and the world wide community it has engendered. For the enjoyment and preservation of vintage lightweight racing, touring and refined bicycles of the period from the early 20th century until 1983.

---------------------- Google Groups Information ----------------------

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