I used to have a 62 Cinelli with a color-matched Altenberger group that I had high hopes for, what with the Cinelli mystique and the oddball parts. But I found myself worrying about it all the time, so I sold it.
The mile-hog is a Mexican-built Benotto, with all the house-brand parts tossed away and rebuilt as a road fixie. Or at least it was, until I hit a curb at full-tilt boogie and pushed the front wheel back so far the cranks won't turn. It may have been a beater, but it was a fine, good-handling beater, and I didn't have to worry about leaving it locked to a pole, even in New York CIty.
I'm conducting auditions for its replacement now. My barely off topic Ciocc may get fix-ated, if a 753 road frame appears in my mailbox. (58 or so cm, hint hint hint.) marie autrey ridingrabbit@earthlink.net Tucker, Georgia (little country town enveloped by Atlanta) USA 678 296 0847 http://www.ridingrabbit.blogspot.com