{Classic Rendezvous} Re: So, Google groups experts, where are the archives for this?

(Example: Books)

Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2011 10:49:16 -0800 (PST)
In-Reply-To: <AANLkTimpkusctScjZv+HfTXPvS0yYupPo1YWdhTD91uM@mail.gmail.com>
Subject: {Classic Rendezvous} Re: So, Google groups experts, where are the archives for this?
From: "John Betmanis" <johnb@oxford.net>
To: Classic Rendezvous lightweight vintage bicycles <classic-rendezvous-lightweight-vintage-bicycles@googlegroups.com>
Mailing-list: list classic-rendezvous-lightweight-vintage-bicycles@googlegroups.com; contact classic-rendezvous-lightweight-vintage-bicycles+owners@googlegroups.com

No expert on Google Groups, but Yahoo Groups has a links page available. What I see here is something called Pages, where you have the rules. Maybe you can put a link to the old archives there. I think I understood that the bikelist.org archives will remain.


John Betmanis Woodstock, Ontario Canada

On Feb 21, 12:16 pm, Dale Brown <dalebbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Anyone savvy with this world?
> And I guess it's impossible to bring the old archives to this system...
> --
> Dale Brown
> cycles de ORO, Inc.
> 1410 Mill Street, Ste 100
> Greensboro, North Carolina USA 27408-2105
> 336.274.5959www.cyclesdeoro.comwww.classicrendezvous.comwww.carolinacup.com

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