Re: [CR] Change in hosting CR list

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot)

Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 07:34:17 -0800
From: <>
To: Greg Arnold <>
References: <>
Cc: "" <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Change in hosting CR list

It has taken me awhile to get around to saying this:

1. I think Dale should ask for $5.00 apiece from each member, in the hopes that

at least 250 contibute.

2. Bring the archives to a University press shop nearby and ask that it be pampletized.

- Only those queries and responses that are historical in nature. - Only those queries and responses that are technical in nature. - Only those queries and responses that are howto in nature. - Only those queries and responses that are biographical in nature. - Only those queries and response that are "product errata" in nature.

I.e., all small talk, "me too's", "attaboys" and "off-topic responses" are filtered out.

3. When pampletized, each donor is offered the opportunity for a copy at an additional $10.00.

4. An extra 25 copies are run off. Those folks who are not donors up front would have to pay a much higher cost for one later on.

Bottom line is, I think what has been placed in the archives up until the cutoff should be put in print form. It is essentially a book begging for hard print. Even the Library of Congress might want a copy.

Just my two cents...


Robert Shackelford San Jose, CA USA

Quoting Greg Arnold <>:
> Regarding the CR database.
> I must agree; the CR list entries is (are) a remarkable asset, unique even
> among the plethora of bicycle enthusiast websites on line now; and by its
> nature increasingly valuable as the CR community grows.
> It has grown into a massive, well vetted resource. The expert participants,
> the new topics always being added, old ones refined, new
> discoveries/products/resources discussed -
> there must be some cost-free way content of the list entries can be stored,
> auto-updated, and catalogued on Google? It is after all a simple, large,
> text document with minimal variables beyond date, author, and word search
> capability ... Who among us has Google chops?
> Thank you!
> Greg Arnold NYC