for sale.
bsa steel chrome skip tooth chain ring 24 tooth with williams 165 chrome steel crank arms both jave chrome issues. sorry cant fing the crank arm mountingbolts. $100.00 shipped u.s.
nos colnago rim decals $15.00 shipped u.s.
gipiemme nos sprint black cage road pedals $50.00 shipped u.s.
campagnolo super recordblack cage pedals they show some use wear on cage ends as usual and some chrome aging on dust caps. cut down for track pedals $50.00 shipped u.s.
nos bierreci red toe straps $40.00 shipped u.s.
nos black balilla toe straps $25.00 shipped u.s.
nos ale mustard tan colored toe clips $25.00 shipped u.s.
becucci .g brown toe straps fancy hinged toe straps extra wide. $75.00 shipped u.s.
nos peugeot lion logo toe strap buttons $20.00 shipped u.s.
cinelli winged logo nos toe straps buttons $20.00 shipped u.s.
omas small flange 36 hole small flange hubs with proper skewers. laced to fiamme ergal 700 c rims wheels and hubs need cleaning and polishing. and some truing. stainless spokes and used clement tires $150.00 shipped u.s.
sr royal 25.0 alloy seat post with normal insertion marks $25.00 shipped u.s.
to tired to finish will put the rest of the stuff up tomorrow
thanks again
robbie fellows
vail,az. usa