1) Who's coming? Certainly Ken Sanford and Harvey Sachs, yr. obdt. svt. I'd guess that Wayne Bingham can't stay away, too. I might even have room for another DC area rider very early Sunday.
2) Special needs. I've got my usual stuff that can be brought but is heavy to lug, like hard-to-match cottered spindles, Sturmey parts, and similar weird stuff. Will only bring what folks suggest that they need. For BB, is far better to bring your tired, weary, and pitted one to see if I have a match. Could also bring the anvil, some nails, and my box of cleats if there is need. But MUST bring shoes that have where you want the cleats exactly marked on the shoe bottoms - preferably by riding the shoe w/o a cleat(but with a slight set-back of the toe from the clip) to get the toe-in right.
BYOB, as well as cleats.
Info on the swap meet is at http://www.stopswapandsave.com/
harvey sachs
mcLean va.