Speaking of French stems and handlebars... An auction has just ended for a steel stem from AVA - with a metal badge. I have never seen that on a AVA stem before, so I would imagine it dates from the 1950s, or possibly even earlier.
Nice photos on the auction page: Item number: 360339333419
All that I have ever found out about AVA is that it was a brand originally produced by a company known as EMR (Etablissements Métallurgiques du Rhône). EMR was initially founded in 1889 as a nickel plating business by two brothers, Léon and Laurent Vielle.
I am very familiar with the AVA alloy stems and handlebars of the 1950s through 1970s. And, I have also seen AVA rims but I don't know if they were actually produced by this company.
Perhaps Norris knows a bit more about the AVA marque?
... Currently hibernating, against an uncommonly cold temperature of 0 degrees Fahrenheit (-18 C) and winds gusting to 35 mph (56 kph).