Hi CR Members,
I have a Cinelli Bivalent wheel set for a 126 mm spaced rear triangle. My Cinelli frame has a 120 mm rear spacing, so a 120 mm quick release assembly is required to fit my frame properly. I had a machine shop duplicate a shorten version of one of the components of the rear assembly by 6 mm. I was able to fit my rear wheel in my 120 mm frame, but it now requires a 6mm spacer on the outside of the left side drop out to compensate for the shorten component. Additionally it required a maximum adjustment of one of the dropout adjusting screws to center my rear wheel properly.
Does any CR members have components for a 120 mm Cinelli Bivalent rear skewer assembly, (no freewheel required), that would be willing to sell or trade for a 126mm rear skewer assembly. Bob Fretis and Harvey Sach, provided their assistances before, hoping other members can follow up.
Best Regards,
Curtis Wong
San Francisco CA/Bangkok