Hi Jerry. Of course i'd ride it! I wouldn't play bike polo w/ it or messenger or use it as an errand bike. But a nice day when it's not wet i'm taking it out. Owning a beautiful machine and not riding it seems kind of like having a trophy spouse and keeping things Platonic. I've got a couple of Zeus frames i need to build up and they're going to see lots of miles, hopefully. Cheers. Billy Ketchum [whose passion for bicycles is total but not carnal] in Chicago, IL; USA.
Some speculation as to what Zeus SuperSer on Ebay will bring. Guessing $1,500 but may be under. Let's say you bought it, or a perfect Herse or Galmozzi. Would you ride it?
I am working on a Zeus frame restore I will ride 300 or so miles a year. It will be Zeus-style but not original. If I bought the SuperSer would I be afraid to ride it? Not sure.
Is this irrational? My main rides -- including a one of kind steel custom - cost me more than this bike will sell for. But they are replaceable, not a piece of history like the vintage bikes list members own. Curious to hear your thoughts.
Jerry Hirsch
Rossmoor, Calif. USA