Re: [Classicrendezvous] Last bit of huckstering for this year (of a fairly rare part)

(Example: Production Builders:Pogliaghi)

Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2000 10:34:57 -0500
From: Jerry & Liz Moos <>
To: John Taglia <>
Subject: Re: [Classicrendezvous] Last bit of huckstering for this year (of a fairly rare part)
References: <>

I personally don't have a problem with this. I think it was agreed some ago, we would not offer stuff to the list on a "best offer" basis, i.e. that we would not use the list as a private eBay, so if one wants to put stuff up for bids, eBay is the proper vehicle. I still think it is a curtesy for list members to make others aware of eBay auctions that may be of interest, whether they are their own auctions or some they just happened to see. Chuck Schmidt, Jim Cunningham, John Barron and others have plugged stuff or at least directed people to their sites or offered to send price lists, and I think this is appreciated, as finding sources for parts is one of the reasons for belonging to the list. Don't know if John will really get more on eBay, as some members may have been willing to pay more than the winning bid, but are reluctant to outbid another list member. But I certainly wish John the best of luck.


Jerry Moos

John Taglia wrote:
> Chuck,
> Chuck,
> I am not what sure what you mean by the "ad" being crass. If anything, the
> subject line should have indicated the tone was clearly a parody of
> crassness. Also, the label makes it reasonably clear that I selling goods,
> and folks can easily skip this if they want.
> Nor I am not really sure what your objection is to my e-bay posting. There
> is certainly precendent for my action. For example, ChucK Schmidt, to
> invoke the name of someone that I feel is recognized as having among the
> best reputation on these lists, has posted stuff to e-bay and made note of
> it on the list. Others also have done so.
> Further, almost all of the items I have listed on e-bay and posted to the
> list were offered to list members at substantially lower prices but found
> no takers. The only two items that were offered not to the list first ,
> the items up on e-bay now--the Mafac brakeset and Stronglight bottom
> bracket , were not offered to the list first because I wanted to get the
> highest possible price for both of them, as I have step two boards and
> Christmas presents and residency interview expenses to pay for, as well
> several hundred thousand in student loans from my medical education . When
> I sell exclusively to the list I try to sell as cheaply as possible, but
> right now I am feeling a bit strapped.
> If you want to continue this thread, I suggest you write me off-list, which
> probably is the best way to handle matters such as this.
> Sincerely,
> John Taglia
> At 05:46 PM 11/25/2000 EST, wrote:
> >John,
> >
> >While I don't believe Dale has ever "written" it into the guidelines for the
> >CR, it has usually been understood (as a courtesy?) any list memebers trying
> >to sell an item, especially one which may be of interest to the Group,
> >usually announces it before going off to eBay.
> >
> >In the case of your bottom bracket, I found the "ad" a bit crass and
> >certainly didn't care much for ..."if you want it go get it on eBay.."
> >Considering you have a reserve price for this item, it seems strange not to
> >have presented it to the list first!
> >
> >I'm not interested in a titanium bottom bracket, but we may have some
> members
> >who would love to have Stronglight's version!?!
> >
> >Perhaps El Presidente (Dale) would care to comment on this (if any is
> >needed?)?
> >
> >Thanks,
> >
> >Chuck Brooks
> >Malta, NY