Re: [CR] To Ride or Not to Ride

(Example: Framebuilders:Pino Morroni)

From: "Donald Dundee" <>
Subject: Re: [CR] To Ride or Not to Ride
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2000 13:19:36 -0500

Hi All.

I took my '48 Legnano out for a ride this weekend. Ran into a car trunk and bent the frame and rims like a pretzel. Stripped parts curbside and went home. That afternoon, I took my '60 cinelli Pista out for a no-brakes spin - same thing - ran into a car crossing an intersection and ruined it. I took the subway home with the bike around my shoulder and stripped and salvaged it. then I took my '49 Herse out to get a cup of coffee. Someone swiped it within a minute. I tried to give chase but stumbled trying to sprint after the transvestite who robbed it - damn those vintage cleats - not to mention that my winter training knickers were way too tight. Walked home only to find my house robbed of all my bikes except my '98 Bianchi that was ridden by one of the Mercatone Uno team members - problem is that I accidentally leaned the bike on the furnace and the damn thing warped like water-logged two-by-four. Now I'm screwed. Good thing I have a bus pass.

>From: "Dave Feldman" <>
>, "Charles O'Toole"
><>, Vance Sprock
><>, Jan Heine <>
>Subject: Re: {ClassicRend]To Ride or Not to Ride
>Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2000 09:47:48 -0800
>Bravo, Mark,
>I was just given a classic of my own--an Ideor that was living in a walk-in
>bike store down here. It's my size and all original parts. The only
>not worth reusing are the rims, tires, and saddle. I have every intention
>of using it to soak up Clark County chipseal next summer! Your Singer must
>the the perfect item for lots of Seattle non-pavement.
>David Feldman
> >From: "Mark Petry" <>
> >To: <>, <>,
><>, "Charles O'Toole"
><>, "Vance Sprock" <>,
>"Jan Heine" <>
> >Subject: RE: {ClassicRend]To Ride or Not to Ride
> >Date: Mon, Dec 4, 2000, 8:19 AM
> >
> >This weekend was a gorgeous day (sunny, 50s) in Seattle and I rode the
> >out of my Alex Singer randonneur! I went thru some back and forth on
> >whether to ride this bike, as it is (was) in essentially unridden
> >and what I finally came up with was that life is too short to keep such a
> >wonderful machine hanging on the hook.
> >
> >So I rode up to Jan Heine's house, Jan is a journalist and bike
> >he was a contributor to Cycling Lore among other things. He owns a
> >Singers and I wanted to show him the bike. On the way home I was
> >to make the 2:10 ferry back to Bainbridge, I rode from from Jan's house
> >85th down to the ferry terminal, next to the water part of the way, in 28
> >min. This is near world record time! It was downhill, big ring,
> >the whole way. The bike felt solid and substantial, not twitchy at all.
> >ran without a hiccup, shifting and braking flawlessly. I definitely
> >stretched it out!
> >
> >Later, at home, I retorqued the cranks to 250 in/lb, wiped everything
> >and shot Lemon Pledge (the BEST bike wax) all over it. I did leave a few
> >splatters under the BB, just to prove that it had been ridden. My
> >is that you have to RIDE your bike, even your best one, maybe only on
> >perfect days, but life is just too short not to enjoy them ! The soul of
> >the machine is lost otherwise.
> >
> >================================================
> >Mark Petry Page/Voicemail: 206.618.9642
> >Beautiful Bainbridge Island, WA
> >================================================
> >
> >================================================
> > "Most of american life consists of driving
> > somewhere and then returning home, wondering
> > why the hell you went."
> >
> > John Updike, "Rabbit at Rest"
> >================================================
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From:
> >[]On Behalf Of
> >
> >Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 8:05 AM
> >To:;
> >Subject: Re: {ClassicRend]To Ride or Not to Ride
> >
> >
> >I suppose there are list members who own truly classic cycles that have
> >historical value. If I owned a 50 year old cycle ridden on the Tour or
> >it would safely hang in the den or possibly at my office. Nevertheless
> >temptation would be to take it for a spin now and then.
> >
> >My own practice is to ride the Colnago Super or the recently completed
> >Masi GC restoration only on dry sunny days over good roads. I even built
> >ride wheels so that the Martano tubular rims with NR high flange hubs
> >pristine for show. So I guess its a mix of philosophies.
> >
> >I recall we went through this analysis about a year ago and one list
> >kept up the hobby despite the fact that he no longer rode a bicycle. I
> >nothing unsettling about that at all! Its about appreciation for the
> >components, dedication, art and engineering, I think.
> >
> >I just hope that the aesthetic of a perfectly restored Gran Criterium is
> >depreciated by the fact that my ugly butt is riding it.
> >
> >Regards,
> >
> >Carlo Carr
> >(Used to collect stamps but I mailed them all)