Re: [CR]Re: Sears/Puch and Hello

(Example: Framebuilders:Masi)

Date: Tue, 02 Jan 2001 09:10:00 -0500
To: Paul Lee <>,
From: "Harvey M Sachs" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Re: Sears/Puch and Hello
In-Reply-To: <>

Nice intro, and thanks for the pictures. The Ted Williams Sport Special to which I refered seems to have been an earlier model, in gold or yellow (as I recall it), with Campy derailleurs. thanks! harvey sachs

At 08:09 PM 1/1/2001 -0500, Paul Lee wrote:
>It is pretty funny that I am finally posting to this group, after
>lurking for quite a while, with some input to a thread on a Sears Free
>Spirit. I happen to own both a Sears Ted Williams signature edition Free
>Spirit 10 Speed and a Steyr Bergmeister frame. Very similar frames
>indeed. I took some quick photos for reference:
>These are relatively light bikes. The Free Spirit might make a good
>sleeper on club rides. I must admit, I would not have even listed these
>bikes in a list of bikes I ride or like to collect. I just never get rid
>of anything, which explains why I have accumulated about 60 bikes, plus
>frames and parts. I could go on and on about them all but that would be
>a long post for sure.
>I'm 41 and worked in bike shops, part time, from '73 to '81. I love the
>type of bikes this list is about. I toured in '74 on a lugged Lambert
>with the death fork and lived. I have some nice Atalas, a Ron Cooper (a
>favorite), Paris Sports (one, a tipo Limongi), a Rossin, a Colnago,
>Paramount P15, Shogun Alpine, Nishiki International, Diamanti, an Alan
>Carbon, a LeJeune, Windsors, Raleigh Lenton Sports Reg Harris Racing
>Special, 3Rensho tandem, many 3 speeds, some 40's Schwinns, a Shelby
>Airflow, a few mountain bikes: Bridgestone, a Cunningham and a Ross
>HiTech. There are lots more. I almost forget them all. My basement is
>packed. Shed too. I keep telling myself that I am not a collector, that
>I just like to experience a lot of different rides.
>And then there are my wife's bikes. '85 SR equipped Vitus, Motobecane
>Grand Jubilee (now fixed gear), '65 Record equipped woman's Atala,
>modern Ciocc, MB-2, MB-4 etc. Small bikes: hers. Big bikes: mine. We
>share the tandems. I am VERY lucky that she is supportive of this hobby
>and likes to ride.
>OK. I just wanted to say Hi and contribute my two cents.




>Paul Lee

>Long Island, New York