Re: [CR]Vintage Ride

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Cinelli)

Date: Tue, 02 Jan 2001 08:14:09 -0700
From: "PeterGrenader" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Vintage Ride
References: <>

This time, I'm coming.....i SWEAR IT.

that is, IF:

I can get a new saddle for me trusty Allegro.

Gian - Scott said that TZ MB has two unicanitors used or otherwise for this twue?

let me know and I will blast down there. Called Sunday and heard you guys (Ted and yooz) wouldn't be in till Wednesday.

give me da woyd.


Peter Grenader Writing from where movie stars stand in line just like us lowly folk at Starbuck's. wrote:
> Listers!
> First vintage ride of the new millenium, this Sunday the 7th. Chuck
> Schmidt, Charles Andrews, Paulie Davis, Phil Brown et al. Come and meet your
> fellow CR Listers! If you haven't ridden with us yet, now is the time to join
> us for a 25 mile spin from the Rose Bowl to Sierra Madre and back.
> Or in the words of Chuck Schmidt:
> Monthly Rose Bowl Vintage Bike Ride
> Starts at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California every FIRST Sunday of
> the month. Meet at the pool/picnic area parking lot at the south end of
> the park at 10:30am to introduce yourselves and talk bikes. Ride will
> start at 11:00am sharp. The ride will be a casual-paced 25 miles long
> through Pasadena, South Pasadena, San Marino, Temple City, Arcadia,
> Sierra Madre, Altadena, and back to the Rose Bowl for a picnic and more
> vintage bike talk. The ride is mostly flat with one moderate climb
> (fixed gears are fine in other words). Everyone is encouraged to bring
> and ride a 1985 or earlier bicycle, but feel free to ride anything you
> have.
> Chuck Schmidt
> South Pasadena, California
> (NEW list of reprints and T-shirts)