Re: [CR]CR list now "moderated"

(Example: Racing)

Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 10:43:58 -0500
From: Jerry Moos <>
Subject: Re: [CR]CR list now "moderated"
References: <>

Before anyone cries "freedom of speech" let me say that Dale is only trying to prevent abusive behavior and keep this the kind of list we will want to participate in. No civilized society can have absolute freedom as long as some people feel free to abuse others. A totally free society is no society at all. What we should really seek as the maximum freedom that is consistent with the minimum necessary consideration for others. I'm confident that is what Dale will achieve. If that is not free enough for anyone, there are plenty of sites where abuse, chaos, and obscenity reigns supreme. I'd recommend those to anyone unduly restricted by a requirement of minimal civility. So if anyone must depart, may you enjoy those other sites in good health. You will NOT see me there.


Jerry Moos wrote:
> I will be using the "moderated list" option from now on. This means that each
> message will be read by the list manager (me!) before it goes on to be posted
> to the whole group. This will have the effect of slowing things down a bit
> and also allow me to discard messages I decide are inappropriate.
> We shall see how this goes, but rest assured that any attacks or posts
> containing negative elements will be discarded. I very likely will not take
> the time to discuss the pros and cons of discarded messages, so if your
> message does not appear, you can assume content was the problem!
> Thanks
> Dale Brown