Re: [CR]When Worlds Collide...My apologies

(Example: Production Builders:Cinelli)

From: <>
Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2001 17:19:13 EST
Subject: Re: [CR]When Worlds Collide...My apologies

I am sure that many of us are not tired of this by now. It may be all played out or there may be some interesting new slants and new information coming to light. I am sure that many of us are quite happy to let this play itself out of its own accord. It has been absolutely fascinating from both a cycling and a human point of view.

Hugh Thornton

In a message dated 07/03/01 15:01:17 GMT Standard Time, writes:

> I agree with Brian that people are tired of this by now. I certainly am.
> We obviously have
> some sincere and emotional disagreement about a lengendary figure between
> several people who
> knew him, all of whom are highly respected in the sport. Each person is, I
> think, total
> convinced that his own perception of the events that took place and of the
> various parties'
> relationships with Mario and each other is the true story. Can we leave it
> at that?
> Differences of opinion that haven't been resolved in over 20 years won't be

> resolved here.


> Regards,


> Jerry Moos