RE: [CR]UPS Shipping

(Example: Production Builders:Teledyne)

From: "Shindelar, Dan" <>
To:, "'Bingham, Wayne'" <>
Subject: RE: [CR]UPS Shipping
Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 11:21:00 -0500

Just my two cents worth in defense of UPS. (and neither I or any of my family work for or are associated with UPS) I have shipped probably six bikes and received as many over the last two years via UPS and have had no problem or complaint. I do think extreme care and diligence needs to be taken in shipping bikes. the shipper needs to assume a lot of responsibility for proper crating, and the buyer needs to insist on it. I would like to see some discussion of packaging methods here. Personally I often pay for or suggest shipping wheelsets and loose parts separately. I wrap all tubes in the pipe insulation foam, taped in place, and cut blocks of wood and tape them in place between the dropouts. I also like to shove extra cardboard along the sides to get more tan one layer of protection. Thanks for your time. Dan Shindelar in MN
> ----------
> From: Bingham, Wayne
> Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 10:51 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [CR]UPS Shipping
> The Masi I recently acquired was shipped UPS from Wisconsin, in a
> previously-used Schwinn bike box. The box arrived with all but two of the
> tape straps securing the top of the box broken, a 24" gash in the side of
> the box, and a punch-out the size of your foot at one of the grab-handle
> openings. The hole was big enough to let one of the loose tubulers that
> was
> thrown in at the end escape somewhere in route. Fortunately
> (miraculously?)
> the bike was undamaged. A real testament to the packing job done by the
> seller. I've shipped (and been sent) many bikes, frames and wheels UPS,
> and
> have somehow managed to get by with very few problems. However, the
> quality
> has definitely deteriorated. The condition of the last few boxes I've
> received indicate that they have had very rough passage, but I've somehow
> escaped with no far. From what I've been hearing and
> seeing,
> I'm afraid my odds are diminishing! Alas, I've heard some horror stories
> about FedEx as well. What's a poor bike junkie to do?
> Wayne Bingham
> Falls Church VA