Hi, Jerry and all,
I forgot to mention but..., yes, you had to stretch a brand new tubuler to put it on the rim but "HOW MUCH". Years ago someone did too much, and had to throw away a new tire! Or you may have to use a lots of glue to keep it on the rim!
I am really over the hill, can not remember many events over 30 years ago!
I also have 3 to 4 Soyo tires tah t I brought to the US 29 years ago, they are hard dried, and not usable, like my brain. I asked, the othe rday. to Mr. T. Noda in Tokyo, and see he could find various size of tubuler, BUT sadly, in Japan, you can hardly find various kind and sizes of tubuler as 60's.
KEN TODA, With my 5 yens.