[CR]JB / 5 Piers Ride (Brief Summary) 8.26.2001

(Example: Production Builders:Cinelli:Laser)

From: "bikenut" <bikenut@gte.net>
To: "Classic Rendevous" <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2001 07:38:11 -0700
Subject: [CR]JB / 5 Piers Ride (Brief Summary) 8.26.2001

Greetings All, Here is a short summary of the ride... Biggest turnout yet at 25 participants total. After introductions of cyclists and their bicycles the Belmont Shore Bicycle Club presented Joe Bell with the first annual 'Tullio Campagnolo Man of the Year Award / Trophy' . The morning was cool under cloud cover & traffic was quite manageable both on and off of the bikepaths. We made a few stops to regroup but that was almost unnecessary as we were all packed in tight. After a short stop at the 'Wedge' (within view of Dick Dale's old mansion) we shot back to the Newport Pier for a quick snack & then the race home started. About this time the light cloud cover burned off and the sun-blockless riders started to burn :^) There were spirited stoplight sprints and semi-well organized pacelines... Back at the homestead we had Pizza and Salad and them a birthday cake and Chianti to toast Tullio's 100th Anniversary. JFC brought a cool picture of Tullio and some Campy hub candle holders ...JB gave got some x-tra cool decal goodies & the BSBC gave out some trinkets to the 'longest distance driven' to the ride-Jan and Peter Johnson from the SF Bay area (760 miles rt) and to Chuck Schmidt who rode the 40 or so miles from his home in South Pasadena on a bello Masi 3v with a 50th anniversary group. It was fun for all...Sterling, Jan and I took pics so we'll have to sort them out and post the good ones. Cheers, Matthew Gorski

P.S. This was an amazing group of fellow cyclists!!!