Allins of Croydon was (is?) a specialty shop in suburban London. The frame was made in-house an is not a Cooper.
There is a very nice write up about the shop in a pulp bike book from the 70's called the "Clear Creek Bike Book" Clear Creek was a back to the land lifestyle/early environmental movement publication in the early 70s.
Allins also sold Holdworths. It is a respected marque in the UK.
Todd Teachout
> Message: 10
> From:
> Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 02:03:42 EDT
> To:
> Subject: [CR]Bike Find: Allin
> Hello esteemed list members:
> Just picked up a bike tonight. A custom touring bike built in 1983 by Allin
> Cycles, in Croydon, Surrey, in the good old UK. Anybody have any info on the
> builder? On the CR site, it says that some may have been built by Ron Cooper.
> This bike has some aspects that makes me think this may be a Cooper built
> because I have seen these details on a few Coopers: in the inner fork tangs,
> a row of hearts, diamonds, spades, and clubs cutouts. The seat lug is
> threaded on one side. There is a wraparound seat cluster (that have Allin
> cast in), with fat stays. Prugnat (I think) cutout lugs. I know these
> features are on other bikes, but the look is reminiscent of Cooper to me.
> Curiously, a beautiful Lagoon blue Joe Bell paint job. She knew nothing
> about the paint, said she had the frame shipped here and was built up by a
> local shop. Maybe the paint is original, maybe not. She even gave me the
> original receipt. $210 in 1983 for frame, brazeons, headset, etc.
> The woman who owned it said she never rode it beyond a one or two short
> rides, and by the looks of it, that may be true. She said it never fit: its
> a 51 with a 54 top tube (my size :0), and she was shorter than me by a few
> inches. No wonder it didn't fit. It is a touring bike, with braze ons for
> cantilevers, double water bottles, pump peg on top tube, a light on the left
> side of the fork, low riders mounts on front fork, Campy long dropouts,
> eyelets of course, two on the front, Reynolds 531 db tubing, and Nice
> anyway, and if it was ridden, it has far fewer miles than any of my bikes.
> There is no wear on any chainrings, brake pads, derailluers, etc.
> Typical eclectic parts mix: Shimano cantilevers, the nice old kind, Shimano
> 600 derailleurs, Suntour bar cons, Sugino AT crank, 24, 42, 48, really wide
> range ST cluster, like a 14/34, Dura ace seat post, Specialized alloy
> headset,
> Maybe I will post some pics in a few days.
> Mark Rosenberg
> in dark San Diego California