lately, and I think that this is because I am neurotic and don't think that I would date a supermodel even if they asked me (being unworthy of the supermodelness, and all) I find myself more attracted to utilitarian bikes rather than the glorious, exquisite one of a kind type things. e.g., I prefer colnago supers to arabesques, dave tesch to ericksons. give me the simple glory.
now I truly love and adore the look of hetchins, ericksons, arabesques those crazy circe wiegles and all of that, but since I ride so much (not athlete ride, just ride--commute, store runs, country rides, etc.) I start to weep if I have to lean something like my eisentraut signature A against a lamp post, and this goes for your bike, too, mr. e-richie. again, maybe this is neurotic of me, and it is, but I guess what I am saying is that there is something to be said for the workingman's bike, if not the workingman's dead.
color me woody guthrie.
ricky garni