[CR]Re: What have I done wrong

(Example: Production Builders:Cinelli)

In-Reply-To: <7793.1023320924@www23.gmx.net>
References: <71.20777fb0.2a2ff07d@aol.com>
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2002 17:16:12 -0700
To: Arnold Clark <arnoldclark@gmx.net>
From: "Brandon Ives" <monkeylad@mac.com>
Subject: [CR]Re: What have I done wrong
Cc: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

Arnold, Stop posting until this blows over, you're digging yourself a deeper hole. I thought your original "wake up" post was a bit abrasive but a good sentiment. In fact that morning I was preparing an email about turn of the century track racing and the bikes themselves. The way the list works is like a party at somebody's house. If you came to the party and helped set up, brought good beer, and will talk to anybody in civil terms you get bonus points. If the first thing you say at the party is "This party it really lame and not at all what I expected" people are gong to backlash quite quickly and viciously. Robert is 100% in the wrong in his posts to you even off list, but that's his decision. By re-posting his emails you have just upset more people at the party. Now with this last one you attack the person who is throwing the party when he asks if you have anything to say for yourself. I think Dale was looking for an apology to the list members and an end of you re-posting Miller's posts.

If you're interested in staying on the list there are a couple of things you can do. First a quick apology to the list and Dale. Nothing fancy, just a 'Sorry I didn't mean for things to get out of hand or offend anyone' after that compose a nice post about "old" bikes, questions or stories about the bikes that interest you. I've had a similar incident happen with me soon after I started posting and things worked themselves out. enjoy, Brandon"monkeyman"Ives

At 1:48 AM +0200 6/6/02, Arnold Clark wrote:
>What is going on here with this list. I post a message and I get two vile
>replies. I report them and I am told that they have "bounced" whatever that
>means. Now I get this message from Mr Brown---
>> Rather a coincidence that both these are bouncing....
>> I repeat here my e-mail to "Robert Miller":
>> << So, you seem to have overstepped...
>> Date: 6/5/2002 6:50:02 PM Eastern Daylight Time
>> From: <A HREF="mailto:OROBOYZ">OROBOYZ</A>
>> To: <A HREF="mailto:rmiller297@wans.net">rmiller297@wans.net</A>
>> << > FUck you asshole get the fuck off...... don't ever state a opinion
>> again
>> > .........
>> Robert Miller>>
>> ... the bounds of good taste. Any last minute requests before I remove you
>> >from the Classic Rendezvous?
>> Dale Brown>>
> This seems to be saying that I am to be thrown off the list. What have I
>done wrong. Is it OK then to use swearing words on the list? Is this what
>America is like.
>I also got this message tonight from davidtesch@aol.com
>What the hell kind of listmember are you?
>American cycling enthusiasts damn well know who I am, and any framebuilder
>with REAL experience would concur that there are few of us on the list. In
>fact there are some of us who get impatient with what can be reduced to
>simple camaraderie
>For example there are two guys that could not live any further apart, and
>still live in the US, that like to talk about twizzlers, both of these guys
>have my utmost respect, one if them as good of a
>as there is, period. The other has worked nonstop, without interruption for
>decades in a trade that is damn hard to stick with for even a year or two.
>you had a goddamn clue, you would understand that these are people who like
>to be in touch, and enjoy their hobbies, and their work. They are also a
>wealth of historical facts, and real knowledge.
>I think, if you want to police the list, and "jettison" anybody that does
>please you, then you and Al Gore, should go establish your own Internet, and
>make it an invitation only list with you as the imperial wizard, and all
>these infidels can throw themselves at your feet, and you can judge their
>worthiness at your discretion.
>Meanwhile, I concur, that you should Fuck off.
>Dave Tesch
>Tesch says his two framebuilders want to talk about "twizzlers" on the list.
>What is a twizzler? Is it an appropriate topic for the list or have these
>people been thrown off already. I have never heard of a bike part or a company
>called twizzler. If these two people want to talk about twizzlers why dont
>they just email each other? I do not want to police the list. Someone else
>should be doing that properly.
>I have never been a member of a list like this. These people are full of
>agression. I do not want to stay on this list. Please remove me.
>GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.