[CR]Belated introduction.

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Cinelli)

From: "Jose Fonseca" <locortjody@earthlink.net>
To: Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2002 21:18:0 -0700
Subject: [CR]Belated introduction.

Although I have been nattering on the list previous to this introduction, I realize this rude as I have not yet properly introduced myself. Nobody gets my name right. It is Jose-Luis Fonseca. First name, last name, no middle name. That's OK, as all my friends call me Jody. I'm middle aged if I live to be 90. Ride every day rain or shine. It's funny how bikes can have a national character not unlike automobiles. My current riders include:

'82 Colnago Super. Reminds me of a Ferrari. A name even non-aficionados recognize, say what you will about slipping quality, marketing over substance, etc., still a great ride and that's what counts.

'72 Woodrup (I'd like to more about this and others) Typical old school bit geometry. Longish but massive chainstays and seatstays. Steep crown and fat fork blades with little trail. Stout, workmanlike, gets the job done. Sort of like a Jaguar D type

'79 Trek 730. Simple, stiff, loves to accelerate and climb. Beats you up if you go slow. Sort of like a big block Corvette.

Motobecane Grand Jubilee. Relaxed, smooth, comfortable, doesn't like to be hurried. Not unlike any number of french cars. They're a curious race.

My $00.02 worth


Watsonville, CA


--- Jose Fonseca

--- locortjody@earthlink.net

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