[CR]Looking for web images of racers

(Example: Events:BVVW)

From: "Mark" <rena.cutrufelli@comcast.net>
In-reply-to: <a05100306b9df7bc24b11@[]>
To: "Roy H. Drinkwater" <roydrink@ptd.net>, classic list <Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Subject: [CR]Looking for web images of racers
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2002 21:04:06 -0400

Does anyone happen to know if there is any other place on the web that might have cards for sale that have more modern racers say 50's on? They don't have to be tobacco cards, just some image on a card that can be held in the hand. I especially like the pictures of racers where you can see the type classic bike they are riding. I'll bet someone has even made playing cards like that (You would think "Bicycle" cards has a unique set??)

Mark Cutrufelli in Laurel,MD

-----Original Message----- From: classicrendezvous-admin@bikelist.org [mailto:classicrendezvous-admin@bikelist.org]On Behalf Of Roy H. Drinkwater Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 7:04 PM To: classic list Subject: [CR]Looking for web image

On another list, someone mentioned the Simpson lever chain as seen in the famous Toulouse-Lautrec poster <http://www.sandiegomuseum.org/lautrec/Simpsofs.html>, but I've never seen an image of the actual chain.

Any place on the web that has an image? I know it's a rare tobacco card: <http://www.gdfcartophily.co.uk/carditem.php/itemid/285225190>, and there is supposed to be a picture of the Simpson chain in The Bicycle by Pryor Dodge: <http://users.aol.com/pryordodge/bicyclebookcrits.html>. I'd just like a link to the chain (pardon the pun).

Roy H. Drinkwater Lititz, PA _______________________________________________

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