I didn't mean to say Germans aren't friendly. I love France, too, but I wouldn't buy a bike sight unseen there unless it was really cheap. It is a different mentality. In grocery stores, I often get the wrong change in Germany, and hardly ever in my favor. The mentality is exactly that "Buyer beware! If you don't pay attention, you have only yourself to blame." Another beloved country of mine, Mexico, is rather extreme in that respect. Of course, the majority in all countries probably are very honest. But in the U.S., I just don't have to worry about that stuff as much. Here, the only schenanigans are corporations like my health insurance or phone company, who try to double bill me and hope I don't notice. THAT does not happen in Germany!
I studied in Würzburg for 2 years - great cycling! Lovely countyside.
Sorry if I appeared to be trashing Germans. Believe me, there are things in my adopted home country (the U.S.) that I don't like, either!
Jan Heine, Seattle (never happy, it appears!)
P.S.: I realize this topic is borderline for a CR post, but I do want
to set my personal record straight. (Dale, please forgive...)
>What part of Germany are you from? I spent three
>years there, in the late 60's, in the Nord Bayern
>district, Kitzingen am Main near Wurzburg am
>Main. I really liked it there and always felt
>the people there were very friendly. It was a
>beautiful part of the Country.
>Best Regards,
>Dave Van Hook
>Hershey, PA
>Do you Yahoo!?
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