I also seek vintage Jack Taylor decals. I have a 1974 Tour of Britain (#6656) that I hope to restore (it is badly scraped, pock-marked and has a couple dents) after 28 years of riding in all conditions. It has the Mondrian style art deco decals and box pin striping. I need the "Tour of Britain" Reynolds decal (it says "Professional 'Nervex' Lugs" in the upper left corner; "531 Reynolds butted tubing" in the lower right corner; and "Tour of Britain" overlaid on "Model" across the center - see <http://www.blackbirdsf.org/magpie/taylor/unk10.html>). I also need a complete set of the Mondrian style art deco decals.
Anyone know a source?
David 'I love my JT and want to keep riding it until it or I collapse, whichever comes first' White Burlington, VT
Daniel Artley wrote:
>Would anyone be able to point me to a source for the curved tube Reynolds decals for the repainted Jack Taylor I acquired this year?
>Dan Artley
>Parkton, Maryland
>>>>"joel metz, ifbma/sfbma" <magpie@messengers.org> 11/03/02 10:26PM >>>
>the late 70s/early 80s date on cessation of the custom reynolds
> transfers sounds about right, from what ive seen - though different
> models probably ran out at different times... ive always been under
> the impression that the old english script downtube transfers (and
> accompanying script/shield headtube transfers) were the older of
> the 2 designs, and that the deco style transfers were standard in
> the later years, with the script ones available upon request... ive
> seen bikes with combinations, as well - deco on the headtube/
> seattube and script on the downtube...
>> Early decals did indeed have the model name, TAYLOR BROS had a
>>very close relationship with REYNOLDS,Their TANDEM TUBE SETS were unique
>>to them because they owned the tooling to make it,thus you did not see
>>it in use by other builders.
>> Based on my own bikes it looks like sometime in the late 70s early 80s
>>they ran out of these unique decals and just went to a standard
>>decal.They might have changed to the old english script JACK TAYLOR
>>decals at about the same time.
>> Any 80s bikes out there with model name decals?
>> Bike on EBAY is an oldie and now sports a custom deraileur bracket
>>to accomodate its non LIST rear deraileur in place of the original
>>probably dual cable unit.
>> my size but 3 projects waiting already