one-man shops, regardless of the products, are, shall we say-anomalies... i don't want to start a thread on this, but even the most reknowned artists, sculpters, etcetera, whose names, work, and fame span centuries, worked with assistants and/or apprentices. it is with this in mind that i wonder why so many folks eschew production work, as if the bicycle (in this instance...) is sullied because it was made by the staff of...rather than by the man himself. often, it's <better> if it's a collaborative effort. e-RICHIE chester, ct
On Wed, 20 Nov 2002 10:30:17 -0500 (EST) <>
> > thanks. but the only concession i make to the ol' fashioned
> > way is that my tubes are joined with lugs. otherwise, they are
> > not made or marketed to invoke the 'past' unless someone
> >specifically orders a retro-ish frame.
> > e-RICHIE
> > ubersensitive in chester, ct!
> >
> Could Tom be referring to the one man approach? I sure
> don't want to start the "who built it" thread again.
> Or is it "old world craftsmanship"?
> either way you look at it, its sure different than
> the way modern frames are built by large shops
> (i.e. Colnago, Serotta, etc.).
> Marty "uberconfused" Eison
> Dallas, Texas