I have a very cleanly made 1990 Pogliaghi frame that appears to have very much the same decals as the black one (mine is SLX tubing). Similar looking lugs as well, except with fast-back seat stays. The fork crown is also the same. Perhaps the black one is a late 80s and the white one is earlier? (Contrary to Ed's and Wayne's comments) Any idea what tubing the white one is made from?
Dennis Young
Hotaka, Japan
>>>>> Both Pogliaghis now on ebay look like 80s frames to me. I'd
> have to examine the black one more closely to make a bet on
> it, but the white one was definitely made years after the
> sale of the marque.<<<<
> While the black Pog might be mid 80's, the white one is from the late
> 80's, maybe even 90. I remember seeing these hanging next to the
> Rossins in a local shop, and even think that these were the last Pogs I
> recall ever being offered. Did Rossin produce frames with the Pogliaghi
> name later that about 1990 or so? Having owned a beautiful, dark green
> (but unfortunately too small for me) mid-70's Pog, these were kind-of
> disappointing. However, at the right price, these would certainly make
> decent, if somewhat less "collectable" riders. I do question the size
> of the white one. The seller claims 20" c-c, but it looks a little
> bigger than that to me.
> Wayne Bingham
> Falls Church VA
Black one:
White one: