well guys, and gals
this really has not much to do with vintage bicycles but it is an
interesting topic. one which we have been discussing here at old town. we
have our own line of frames, handbuilt for us here in the us and there are
several including the santa fe, the arrow and the wyandot. all having local
significance. but we are adding one and i really want to call it the darwin.
you know like the next evolution of bicycles or the old town frames.(or like
named after my great uncle darwin who was a 6 day racer and always wanted a
bicycle named after him.....) anyway, a couple of my friends felt it would
bring along with it some controversy(and anyone who knows me knows how hard
i work at avoiding that ;)
i really value your opinions(whether i agree or not) and if pappa dale says
this is too much, then feel free to respond off list.
sarah gibson
kansas city